Mac Version Developed by: Westlake Interactive
Mac Version Published by: MacSoft
Originally Developed by: Epic Games & Digital Extremes
Useful Web Links
To start Unreal Tournament, open the Unreal Tournament folder and double click the "Unreal Tournament" icon.
Please see the manual accompanying the retail version of the game for instructions on obtaining technical support. Or visit the Unreal Tournament Home Page.
This demo is based on a pre-release version of Unreal Tournament Mac, and many things may (and will) change for the finished game. The first version of the demo only works on 3Dfx accelerators or in software rendering (future demos will support OpenGL and/or RAVE). In an effort to get this demo to the public as quickly as possible, we have released it a with few known issues:
To configure the mouse or gamepads/joysticks, press Cmd-M (the cloverleaf/apple key) to access the InputSprocket configuration dialog. Its important for the in-game interface to work to have the mouse configured with the left/right set to "turn (mouse left/right)" and up/down set to "look/move (mouse up/down)". The mouse button should be set to "Fire/Click".
If Unreal Tournament locks up or crashes when you run it, you may need to try running your Mac with a "base" set of Mac OS extensions. Using the "Extensions Manager" control panel, select "Mac OS Base" and then add in InputSprocket, DrawSprocket, any 3D drivers (3dfx, OpenGL, Rave), and Open Transport. Restart your Mac and try running Unreal Tournament again.
If Unreal Tournament stops with a "Out of memory" message, you need to allocate more RAM to the Unreal Tournament application and/or increase your Virtual Memory settings (under the Memory control panel). The game can take up to150 megabytes of free memory on very large levels with many players.
The minimum speed connection for acceptable Internet play performance is a 28.8K modem connection to your Internet Service Provider.
Known network play issues:
Some Mac keyboards can't recognize certain combinations of 3 or more simultaneously pressed keys. If you have trouble with your mouse not moving the in-game cursor (to click on menus or buttons), press Cmd-M to get to the mouse configuration dialog and make sure you mouse is set up as described in the "Configuring the mouse" section above.
Unreal Tournament's performance is highly dependent on the amount of RAM you have in your machine, and the amount of memory that is available. Machines with less memory will access their hard disk more frequently to load data, which causes sporadic pauses in gameplay. Thus, if you have a 48 megabyte (or less) machine, you should make sure that you don't have other unnecessary programs loaded in memory when playing Unreal Tournament.
How the game will perform under different RAM conditions:
The game is also very sensitive to CPU speed, memory bandwidth, and cache performance. Thus, it runs far better on newer processors such as G3's than it does on older ones such as 603e's.
How Unreal Tournament will perform on different classes of machines:
Having a good 3D accelerator can make a huge difference playing Unreal Tournament. A Rage 128 or VooDoo2/3 class accelerator will run the game best, although you can run on a Rage Pro/VooDoo1 with lower texture(world) detail and skin detail settings.
For people considering upgrading their machines, here are some tips based on our experience running Unreal Tournament on a variety of machines:
Minimum system requirement:
Typical system:
Awesome system:
The first thing to do is to increase your minimum desired framerate. UT will try to meet your framerate requirements by subtly dropping detail levels during complex scenes and fire fights. The default MinDesiredFrameRate is dependent on the speed of your computer. If you have hardware acceleration and a 300MHz or better CPU the MinDesiredFrameRate defaults to 30, otherwise it is 20. The higher the framerate, the more aggressive Unreal Tournament will be in eliminating excess special effects and detailing. To change the value open Options and click on Preferences. There will be an edit box for the MinDesiredFrameRate variable. The change will take place immidiately.
If increasing MinDesiredFrameRate doesn't help, try decreasing your texture detail levels in the Preferences window (especially on older 3d accelerators). You can also try lowering your screen resolution.
You can bind new keys to controls by clicking on the "Controls" tab of the Preferences menu inside of Unreal Tournament. There are a lot of controls to bind, so here is a list of defaults. To configure your mouse or gamepad/joystick, press Cmd-M while at the Unreal Tournament menus to access the mouse/joystick configuration dialog.
Key |
Function |
Opens a mini system console line. |
Shift |
Hold shift while moving to walk slowly. |
Ctrl |
Ctrl will fire your weapon's primary attack. |
Space |
Causes your player to jump. |
Option |
Option will fire your weapon's secondary attack. |
Pause |
Pause will freeze the game. |
Escape |
The Escape key will open the menus. |
Arrow Keys |
The arrow keys will move you forward and back or strafe left and right. |
Number Keys [0..9] |
The number keys cycle through your weapons in order. |
H, J, K, L |
These keys will cause your character to animate in a taunt. |
F1 |
Displays the scoreboard. |
F2 |
Displays the message of the day. |
F3 |
In an Assault game, F3 lists the current objectives. |
F5 |
Allows you to cycle through your teammates viewpoints. |
F6, F7 |
QuickSave and QuickLoad respectively. |
F9 |
Take a screenshot. (Appears in your UnrealTournament\System folder.) |
F11 |
Adjust screen gamma. |
T |
Send a chat message to the public channel. |
R |
Send a chat message to your team only channel. |
~ |
Open the system command console. |
F |
Drop to the ground and pretend you are dead. (Feign death.) |
V |
Press and hold V to access the speech menu. Use this menu to give orders and taunt enemies. |
Although you can rely solely on your keyboard to move around in and interact in Unreal Tournament's 3D universe, using both the keyboard and mouse simultaneously gives you much more fluid and responsive control.
When you use the mouse to control your rotational movement and aiming you gain a degree of precision and speed that players using keyboard-only controls can't touch. The keyboard is best used for easy lateral and forward/backward movement, and for jumping.
To master the default controls in Unreal Tournament, keep your left hand on the keyboard, using the arrow keys for movement, the 0-9 keys for weapon selection, and the space bar for jumping. Your right hand operates the mouse, controlling rotation, aiming, and firing. Of course, you can customize these controls to suit your preferences via the Options Menu.
Press and hold the V key to open the speech menu. While you hold V your mouse will become activated and you can select various commands and taunts. Under the Orders submenu you can select a job to assign to a teammate. If your bot is a teammate they will automatically carry out your orders. The available orders are:
If you give an order to "All" then every bot on your team will attempt to complete the order. If you look at a bot the speech menu will have the option to "Order This Bot."
Visit the Unreal Technology Page for way more information about running Unreal Tournament, including console commands, ini file settings, and more.